Monday, November 30, 2009

Auntie Em! Sprawl!

This video and the blog on which it used as its source, suggests a frightening consequence of sprawl that I had neither heard of nor considered. In doing so, it presents new considerations when planning the solution to sprawl. The beginning of the video lists very logical issues associated with sprawl, such as air and water pollution, but it then moves on to say that these side effects of sprawl could be the cause of extreme weather conditions. According to the blog, $250 million worth of damage was caused to Atlanta by an immense tornado in March. As the narrator of the video says, the storm was allowed to grow to its size due to the characteristics of urban sprawl such as drought and "urban heat pockets." This article really brought the realization of the consequences of sprawl to a new level for me. Its intensity is definitive proof of the effects that sprawl has on the environment.

With such intense consequences on the plate, we can't just worry about making roads straight and houses unique. When we look for a solution to sprawl, we may now have to pay closer attention to breaking down the heat our city gives off and the responsible use of water. It's not just a cosmetic or convenience issue anymore. This is about safety.

-Andrew Van Deventer

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